What we offer

How is Kalvitree different to others ? Learn once, stay connected for life.

  • Re-invent your thinking

    Using design thinking and innovation training to solve problems and encourage creativity

  • Mentoring

    Support by providing access to mentors from professional world

  • Networking

    Grow a Kalvitree community for students, businesses and academics to collaborate and network

Why us

"I found a huge disconnect between our current education format and lack of work integrated learning. Having over 25 years experience working as a professional in Digital & Technology & running successful community programs focussing on STEM, I have understood that we need to bridge this gap and provide a guided passage for students in secondary and tertiary studies to own, map and grow their own career. I also wanted to ensure that this support and guidance stayed with the students for life and is an enjoyable experience." - Subha Chari, Founder of Kalvi Tree

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